Spilling the T

Spilling the T

For those of you who don’t know there is a new page calling out bloggers from editing their pics, that has got a lot of traction in the last few days.  It’s everywhere on all my newsfeeds so I just thought I would throw my 2 cents in on it. As you do!


I believe there are two issues at play here, the transformation pics like five years ago to now and the face tuning pics.

I wholeheartedly disagree with the posts showing the transformation (especially if the blogger in question has been honest about surgery, fillers etc). Calling these people out for no reason other than to embarrass them or as some people are saying “bullying” them is uncalled for in my opinion. 

The extreme FaceTune ones, which some bloggers have today confessed to doing, do however play on my mind.

I have FaceTune. I use it for cool filters and blurring backgrounds. And to be perfectly honest in some angles my nose looks MASSIVE to me and in 1 of my pics on my Instagram I’ve popped it in a teeny tiny bit. Now 100% I do still look like myself in that photo!! There I’ve said it. Phew. But I have never ever messed with a photo for my blog more than that and would never to the extent that some of the posts on that Instagram have. Some of them are unreal!

My problem with the constant and extreme editing is the message they are giving to not only younger girls and boys but those people who are easily influenced. Those people who bought those skinny teas those whitening strips and anything else the influencer said helps them “look like this”. They feel inadequate they feel ugly they feel under extreme pressure to emulate them. And to me that’s wrong.

I also must point out that the brands who hire them are just as much to blame.  They pay money to get that Instagram shot, blog post or social media mention and don’t call it out when the person in the meeting with them isn’t what they see online.  They are also perpetuating that pressure on the influencer to continue in that vein.

So what do we take from this furore… 

  1. Don’t believe everything you see. EVER.
  2. Teach your children and those less social media savvy to be more social media aware. 
  3. Monitor who your kids are following on social media.

    Anything else?  What’s your option on the drama lama??